I’ve been writing a lot. I've been reading a lot.
The story of Realm Raiders has grown quite beyond the scope I imagined. Im really happy with the direction so far.
Very early on there were certain themes and symbols I knew I wanted to include in Realm Raiders, but the problem was coming up with a structure for that story.
My hobby outside of games is reading philsophy. Yes, im a big fucking nerd about this stuff. I was spending a lot of time reading Jung, and I realized that I've subconsciously been drawn to certain symbols in my life, and was putting them in Realm Raiders as well.
Eventually my study of Jung lead me to one of his contemporaries, Joseph Campbell. Everyone has heard of the Hero’s Journey, but they typically only ever see a small diagram like this.
EVERY story ever told is based on this formula.
Campbell's book, Hero with a Thousand Faces is THE greatest book on story ever written, im convinced. But this diagram, is merely the cover of a book full of cosmic principals. Every story, every religion, every fable, every historical hero, every good video game, has followed the lessons inside.
Just knowing this diagram is simply not enough. The book is free and everyone who wants to be a better writer needs to read this.
While the coat of paint may be different, Hero with A Thousand Faces reveals to us that All Stories are the same at their very spiritual core. In the human experience, Nothing is new, but everything is to be discovered. Stories are this way too.
TL;DR: This video does a pretty solid job distilling the prinicipals
BTW, The book is FREE on archive. Go Get it: https://archive.org/details/0691119244
Ooh, I love this diagram. My English teacher in Eighth Grade show'd this to us. I've never strayed from it. I love using it.