Art was good at least. Gameplay was bad; carnival games are for carnivals. They do not make for good video game mechanics.
Art was good at least. Gameplay was bad; carnival games are for carnivals. They do not make for good video game mechanics.
Bravo, my friend! You've captured the anti-American, pro-immigrant vigor and anti-capitalist, pro-welfare mentality of the progressive left in one game! It feels good encouraging criminals from failing countries to enter our great one.
And let's not forget the shit on Donald Trump metaphor! Shit on something you don't like, even though it wants to help save its own country? Brilliant allegory for the left!
Consider this for the sequel: You should make a sequel where Taco Man helps the cartel sell drugs in America and leads his downtrodden people to leech welfare off of Trump's America! Maybe Taco Man can help his people commit a few rapes on the way?
Gameplay is simple enough; I just wish there were more obstacles to destroy. Perhaps throw in some upgrades between rounds.
Cute idea. Theres no dating though. Also, too bad its every "joke" is a hackneyed leftist straw man.
Labeling theory is smart propaganda at least.
Unresponsive controls. Besides that, this is basic as fuck. It might be a funny troll game for some miscreants; but this is junk otherwise.
I've asked a lot of people if the controls were unresponsive and they said they weren´t. What do you think is unresponsive, maybe I can update it and make it better.
Also I know it's basic, it's supposed to be. There really aren't many ways I can complicate this (or I just didn't think of them wich is possible, I'm not very creative). This was requested by a friend of mine so I made it, added 2 modes and made his movement a little unpredictable but not to much so it's not too hard to hit him.
Thank You ;D
A quintessential addition to the MLG Circuit, Da Best Gaem moves gamers unlike any piece of video game history before it. Stunning, dank relative memes strike a chord in the heart of even the most jaded gamer. An airhorn plays like an angelic tune to my calloused ears and brings a cathartic tear to my eye.
We yearn for the past, and the melodies of Nyan Cat brings twinges of sweet nostalgia to the forefront of my brain; as though a dear, long lost friend has returned to me. The inclusion of Hitler, our planet's greatest man, also makes his unifying presence felt in the game. A lot of men may hate Hitler, but remember, the iconoclast Hitler brought us all together to fight a unified enemy - Himself. Hitler did not what he wanted, but what he felt needed to be done to strengthen our bonds- much like consumption of Doritos with our merry brethren strengthen our bounds at any MLG tournament. I say, the author, nay the philosopher, Deathink, has moved me in a way I've never moved before. 11/10, would play again.
You are a true connoisseur of fine MLG gaming.
Thanks for taking the time to decode and savor its deep satirical literary commentary.
This game was hand crafted by personally selecting only the ripest memes, and quality control tested by the most skilled gamer gurls.
You may have camped this commentary... but you no scoped my heart!
I love everything about this. Beautiful execution and perfect game feel :O
Whoa thank you!
Pretty sweet for a jam game. All the ingredients for a cool shooter are here - would love to see you expand on this idea.
Definitely would be cool with new guns to pick up and different enemy behaviors. It got to the point where the enemy behaviors were predictable; they were quite relentless and hard to beat at the beginning but constant health powerups made it not a problem.
Also, arena didn't work for some reason.
Anyway, I like what you have here. Really hope you do more with this!
Hey! Thank you for the response! There're pretty much things I would like to add. Guns, behaviors and more levels are the most important ones, but multiplayer and some other things took most of my time and I didn't make make all the things I wanted to make.
Did you try arena with at least 2 players? Like controller + keyboard or controller + controller?
WHAT HAPPENED??? THIS ISNT EVEN A GAME. I bet the devs slept with Pewdiepie to get featured. Talk about CORRUPTION, I mean look at these reviews:
" "1000000/10x1 - Polygon" - IGN" - RockPaperShotgun
"I am as desperate to play this game as a single mom is to score dick on tinder" - Pewdiepie [1987-2015]
I don't actually know what this is trying to satire; your subtext is making fun of developers and their players more so than actually satirizing idle games.
But the game is really pretty haha. Good job making things fun to look at as always :P
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Age 35, Male
Joined on 9/28/08